
Proleukin (Chiron Corp)

Proleukin (Chiron Corp) - General Information

Proleukin, a lymphokine, is produced by recombinant DNA technology using a genetically engineered E. coli strain containing an analog of the human interleukin-2 gene. Genetic engineering techniques were used to modify the human IL-2 gene, and the resulting expression clone encodes a modified human interleukin-2. This recombinant form differs from native interleukin-2 in the following ways:��a) proleukin is not glycosylated because it is derived from E. coli ; b) the molecule has no N-terminal alanine; the codon for this amino acid was deleted during the genetic engineering procedure; c) the molecule has serine substituted for cysteine at amino acid position 125.


Pharmacology of Proleukin (Chiron Corp)

Used to treat renal cell carcinoma, proleukin induces the enhancement of lymphocyte mitogenesis and stimulation of long-term growth of human interleukin-2 dependent cell lines, the enhancement of lymphocyte cytotoxicity, the induction of killer cell (lymphokine-activated (LAK) and natural (NK)) activity; and the induction of interferon-gamma production. IL-2 is normally produced by the body, secreted by T cells, and stimulates growth and differentiation of T cell response. It can be used in immunotherapy to treat cancer. It enhances the ability of the immune system to kill tumor cells and may interfere with blood flow to the tumor.


Proleukin (Chiron Corp) for patients


Proleukin (Chiron Corp) Interactions

PROLEUKIN may affect central nervous function. Therefore, interactions could occur following concomitant administration of psychotropic drugs (e.g., narcotics, analgesics, antiemetics, sedatives, tranquilizers).

Concurrent administration of drugs possessing nephrotoxic (e.g., aminoglycosides, indomethacin), myelotoxic (e.g., cytotoxic chemotherapy), cardiotoxic (e.g., doxorubicin) or hepatotoxic (e.g., methotrexate, asparaginase) effects with PROLEUKIN may increase toxicity in these organ systems. The safety and efficacy of PROLEUKIN in combination with any antineoplastic agents have not been established.

In addition, reduced kidney and liver function secondary to PROLEUKIN treatment may delay elimination of concomitant medications and increase the risk of adverse events from those drugs.

Hypersensitivity reactions have been reported in patients receiving combination regimens containing sequential high dose PROLEUKIN and antineoplastic agents, specifically, dacarbazine, cis-platinum, tamoxifen and interferon-alfa. These reactions consisted of erythema, pruritus, and hypotension and occurred within hours of administration of chemotherapy. These events required medical intervention in some patients.

Myocardial injury, including myocardial infarction, myocarditis, ventricular hypokinesia, and severe rhabdomyolysis appear to be increased in patients receiving PROLEUKIN and interferon-alfa concurrently.

Exacerbation or the initial presentation of a number of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders has been observed following concurrent use of interferon-alfa and PROLEUKIN, including crescentic IgA glomerulonephritis, oculo-bulbar myasthenia gravis, inflammatory arthritis, thyroiditis, bullous pemphigoid, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Although glucocorticoids have been shown to reduce PROLEUKIN-induced side effects including fever, renal insufficiency, hyperbilirubinemia, confusion, and dyspnea, concomitant administration of these agents with PROLEUKIN may reduce the antitumor effectiveness of PROLEUKIN and thus should be avoided. 12

Beta-blockers and other antihypertensives may potentiate the hypotension seen with PROLEUKIN.

Delayed Adverse Reactions to Iodinated Contrast Media: A review of the literature revealed that 12.6% (range 11-28%) of 501 patients treated with various interleukin-2 containing regimens who were subsequently administered radiographic iodinated contrast media experienced acute, atypical adverse reactions. The onset of symptoms usually occurred within hours (most commonly 1 to 4 hours) following the administration of contrast media. These reactions include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, pruritus, rash, diarrhea, hypotension, edema, and oliguria. Some clinicians have noted that these reactions resemble the immediate side effects caused by interleukin-2 administration, however the cause of contrast reactions after interleukin-2 therapy is unknown. Most events were reported to occur when contrast media was given within 4 weeks after the last dose of interleukin-2. These events were also reported to occur when contrast media was given several months after interleukin-2 treatment.


Proleukin (Chiron Corp) Contraindications

PROLEUKIN� (aldesleukin) is contraindicated in patients with a known history of hypersensitivity to interleukin-2 or any component of the PROLEUKIN formulation.

PROLEUKIN is contraindicated in patients with an abnormal thallium stress test or abnormal pulmonary function tests and those with organ allografts. Retreatment with PROLEUKIN is contraindicated in patients who have experienced the following drug-related toxicities while receiving an earlier course of therapy:

  • Sustained ventricular tachycardia (≥5 beats)
  • Cardiac arrhythmias not controlled or unresponsive to management
  • Chest pain with ECG changes, consistent with angina or myocardial infarction
  • Cardiac tamponade
  • Intubation for >72 hours
  • Renal failure requiring dialysis >72 hours
  • Coma or toxic psychosis lasting >48 hours
  • Repetitive or difficult to control seizures
  • Bowel ischemia/perforation
  • GI bleeding requiring surgery


Additional information about Proleukin (Chiron Corp)

Proleukin (Chiron Corp) Indication: For treatment of adults with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Mechanism Of Action: Proleukin binds to the IL-2 receptor which leads to heterodimerization of the cytoplasmic domains of the IL-2R beta and gamma(c) chains, activation of the tyrosine kinase Jak3, and phosphorylation of tyrosine residues on the IL-2R beta chain. These events led to the creation of an activated receptor complex, to which various cytoplasmic signaling molecules are recruited and become substrates for regulatory enzymes (especially tyrosine kinases) that are associated with the receptor. These events stimulate growth and differentiation of T cells.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Aldesleukin
Synonyms: IL-2; Interleukin-2 precursor; T-cell growth factor; TCGF
Drug Category: Antineoplastic Agents
Drug Type: Biotech; Approved; Investigational

Other Brand Names containing Aldesleukin: Proleukin (Chiron Corp);
Absorption: Not Available
Toxicity (Overdose): Not Available
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Not Available
Half Life: 13 min-85 min
Dosage Forms of Proleukin (Chiron Corp): Powder, for solution Intravenous
Chemical IUPAC Name: Human interleukin 2 (modified)
Chemical Formula: C690H1115N177O202S6
Aldesleukin on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals